Wednesday, June 16, 2010

FDA Says Poor Results Of "Female Viagra" Are Proof "Female Orgasm" Don't Exist

"A Food and Drug Administration review of data on the effectiveness of flibanserin -- a pill anticipated to become the first 'female Viagra' -- resulted in questions about how well the drug will actually work..."
(excerpt from CNN article linked below)

One of the scientists studying the new drug, Dr. Peter Simpkins, stated "This is just further proof that the myth of the female orgasm is just that, a myth."

Dr. Angela Yoni, a female scientist at the FDA, disagrees, however. "Simply because the drug doesn't seem to do what we thought it would, doesn't mean that there is no female orgasm," she says. "I can tell you for certain there IS a female orgasm.  It's real."

Dr. Simpkins brushed off his colleague, saying "Nonsense. I have frequently, often several times in a single day, offered Dr. Yoni the opportunity to prove her 'theory,' but she keeps denying my scientific advances. Despite my efforts, she has never offered any demonstrable proof of her claims. In fact, most of the male members of the FDA have never found any evidence to support the claim. I, for one, find it odd that the only segment of society that claims this myth is real, is the same segment of society the refuses to demonstrate it's existence to us, America's male scientific community."

Multiple attempts to reach spouses or female partners of the male scientists and doctors involved in the research resulted in only one man, Dr. Leonard Fisby, who was willing to introduce us to his new wife. However, it turns out that for the last Dr. Fisby has been married to an Apple iPad.  "There's no app for that," Dr. Fisby said. "Therefore, I can only conclude it doesn't exist."

When contacted for comment, Steve Jobs replied via email, "We're working on it."

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